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Emergency Psychiatry: Principles and Practice



Written and edited by leading emergency psychiatrists, this is the first comprehensive text devoted to emergency psychiatry. The book blends the authors’ clinical experience with evidence-based information, expert opinions, and American Psychiatric Association guidelines for emergency psychiatry. Case studies are used throughout to reinforce key clinical points.

This text brings together relevant principles from many psychiatric subspecialties–community, consultation/liaison, psychotherapy, substance abuse, psychopharmacology, disaster, child, geriatric, administrative, forensic–as well as from emergency medicine, psychology, law, medical ethics, and public health policy. The emerging field of disaster psychiatry is also addressed.

Acompanion Websiteoffers instant access to the fully searchable text.

Editor: Glick, Rachel Lipson, Editor: Berlin, Jon S, Editor: Fishkind, Avrim, Editor: Zeller, Scott L

Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 078176873X
Language: English
Pages: 538