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Emotions: What Feelings I Have and How Many


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New: Paperback: Feelings Emotions, Hubertus Ihn by amazon and CreateSpaceEmotions No fear of negative feelings The twelve pure feelings Feelings, emotions and mood Serenity The feeling of rage and its manifestations Recognize and understand emotions I.Theory of emotions 1. Direction and intensity of the emotional motion 2.Theoretical distinction, and the nature of emotions 3.Elements of Greek and Roman rhetoric to influence the emotions 4. Functions of emotion II.Theory of cognitive psychology Emotions, and their influence on phenomena, symbolization and aesthetic perceptions 1. Basics of symbolization and perception and the truth 2. The process of symbolizing phenomena 3. Dimensions of aesthetic knowledge and Kants aesthetic perception 4. Conclusion 5. Literature 6. Vita To find book and e-book list, go to HUBERTUS IHN under Amazon KindleAre we dominated by emotions and feelings or do we have them under control? Do emotions have us under control? Most people do not realize that feelings are subconscious. They control our behavior. Psychologically trained persons can judge us based on our facial expressions, tone, language and posture. These expressions let others know more about us than we ourselves know about us. Experts can hide their emotions and can display false feelings to others. Others have power over us. We are at their mercy! This book is an attempt to enable people to better recognize their own feelings and emotions and to control them. This book is an attempt to enable better recognize their own feelings and emotions and to control them. By directing your consciousness or awareness to the emotions, you not only can recognize your own emotions, but also those of others. By directing your consciousness or awareness to the emotions, you can not only recognize your own emotions and control, but also those of others. Vita Hubertus Ihn taught – for over 30 years – philosophy, psychology, business management and marketing at various universities (including Leuphana, Lüneburg, Open University (University of Hagen), University of Göttingen. The author has an education in humanistic therapies from the University of Bremen. Contents: talk therapy after Rogers, Gestalt therapy (Perls), bioenergetics (Lowen), transactional analysis, family therapy (Satir) and psychodrama (Moreno). He also has profound experience in meditation and the 8-stage Raja Yoga, including Hatha Yoga and Pranayama. . He also works as a consultant for various DAX and Dow Jones companies as well as for various small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, he is the author of numerous publications in the fields of marketing, philosophy and psychology, as well as of publications and films about psychology and business management.

Author: Ihn, MR Hubertus

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1512006246
Language: English
Pages: 58

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.12 in


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