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Empower Yourself Through Your Memories: Use the Lessons from Your Past to Create a Happy Present and Future


SKU: INR-9781546831464 Category: Tags: , ,


If you have read “Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life” you learned to release the bad feelings from unhappy memories. “The Ultimate Guide To Healing Your Past” taught you to learn from your memories. This book takes you a step further and teaches you to empower yourself by taking memories of the past and using them to move ahead in your life and be happier and stronger. The book is complete with inspiring stories of people who overcame tough times and are now thriving. It contains exercises for you to learn to empower yourself and move ahead in your life with confidence, happiness, and success using memories that you thought would stop you from moving ahead in your life. Although I do not guarantee that the exercises will empower you, many people whom I have coached and counseled have achieved happiness and success with the exercises in this book.

Author: Healy, Mr Frank X

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1546831460
Language: English
Pages: 126

Additional information

Weight 0.39 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.27 in


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