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Good Habits (and Bad) of the Teenager Years: Loving Your Teens and Liking Their Behaviors



Teen behaviors accumulate into habits as parents and others encourage some activities and discourage others. In this excerpt from Teenagers and Parents, 12 Steps to a Better Relationship, parent modeling, encouragement and liking are highlighted as the most important part of parenting. Examples of conversations about sex, dating, school skills and depression help parents smooth the family interactions.

The habits can be satisfying to parents or disappointing. Finding the right places for both loving and liking is the core of successful parenting.

Chapter 1: What do you like? provides numerous examples of listening skills and dozens of conversations about sexual adjustment, dating, disposition and imitation.

Chapter 2: Choosing Good Habits, makes suggestions for school skills, homework and chores at home while setting plans for allowances and responsibilities.

Chapter 3: The Not-So-Good Habits takes up more principles and the problems of compulsions, fidget behavior and the dangers of labels for teen habits.

Chapter 4: The Bad Habits of Alcohol, Drugs, and Cars, deals with alcohol, drugs depression. smoking and the most dangerous habit of all, driving.

Author: McIntire, Roger Warren

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 096145198X
Language: English
Pages: 164

Additional information

Weight 0.32 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 0.35 in


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