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Healing Powers in Common Fruits and Water: Organic Fruits And Water Therapy


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Health they say is wealth. Optimum health could be obtained by eating living food rather than cooked food which are mostly devoid of living enzymes and vitamins. We need to know that life comes from life, feeding on things that are dead can’t sustain a healthy life; the life in our food is that which fuels the life in our bodies. Disease and sickness are almost self-inflicted. That is to say our health is traceable to our diet. When we cook our food, we destroy all enzymatic activity in it. We should be mindful of the percentage of cooked food we eat. The various foods we eat are in two categories. We have alkaline based food and the acid based food. When we eat raw fruits and raw vegetables, we get an alkaline normal healthy benefit, while when we eat animal products we are left with an acid residue which is dangerous to our health.The body is designed to run well in an alkaline environment for a healthy living. This hand book discusses the major alkaline based food available in the market; the book will also help you to make the right choice of healthy foods you may eat on daily basis. Built right inside each one of us is a self healing mechanism called the immune system, its only requirement is that we care for it by eating the right diet. We get sick because we ignorantly violate the natural laws just because we don’t consume the living foods created for our healthy body.We should consciously avoid sickness because all drugs are not only devoid of life, but also contains very toxic substances. Actually, all drugs are poisons to our body system; therefore, we need to be mindful of the kind of food we put inside our body. WE REAP WHAT WE SOW IN OUR BODY THROUGH FOODS IN DUE COURSE.

Author: Adetilewa, Noah

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1798056909
Language: English
Pages: 102

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.24 in


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