Hijacked by Your Brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over
What do you do when stress takes over your life, and nothing you do to feel better seems to work?
When you…
Melt down over the smallest things
Get angry at the people you love
Choke under pressure
Feel tense and worried all the time
Procrastinate or give up in the face of a crucial deadline
Use food, alcohol, gambling, or other addictions to cope
Dwell on the past when you just want to move on
Hijacked by Your Brain is the first book to explain how stress changes your brain and what you can do about it. Stress is not the enemy. In order to reduce stress, you have to understand why your brain causes you to feel stress and how you can take advantage of it to handle the high-stress people and situations in your life.
This groundbreaking book reveals the step missing in most stress reduction guides. We can’t stop stress, but we can control the effect stress has on us.
Hijacked by Your Brain is the user’s manual for your brain that shows you how to free yourself when stress takes over.”
Author: Ford, Julian, Author: Wortmann, Jon
Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1402273282
Language: English
Pages: 222
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