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Little Book to Defeat Depression


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DEFEAT DEPRESSION One aspect of your life is not your whole identity… So you have depression and/or anxiety… You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about! You do not need to hide your feelings OR pretend everything is OK. (Although we will talk about the benefits of fake-it-till-you-make-it, more in The Little Book to Defeat Depression) Remember too; we ALL get depressed without necessarily ‘having’ depression. You are not alone! This is hypnotherapy for people who are tired of being depressed, having no energy, no motivation: Sick of people telling them to “be positive” OR “SNAP OUT OF IT” If you are taking antidepressants it is very important that you do not stop abruptly, I cannot emphasize this enough. (Read The Little Book to Defeat Depression). This Meditation/ hypnotherapy will help you with all of that. No hard to remember techniques. Just play the CD once a day or once an hour, the more you listen to it the sooner you get to experience more of your brain’s potential. With the help of this CD & Little Book you will find answers, understanding and solutions to those times when life sux and you feel desperate, isolated, helpless and without hope! Program your mind to a happier healthier emotional state. To get the best out of your track: Do not make hard work of it; you do not need to remember what I say in the recordings, or try to ‘get it right’, it is fine if you fall asleep and don’t remember anything; your super conscious knows what to do! .. Simply be in a comfortable spot (a big armchair is best) with no distractions (turn the phone off) and breath. Let the recording do the rest. Do not have it up too loud (when you start to access your alpha/theta brain rhythms your senses become more acute, so sounds will be louder, cold will be colder…. This therapy has a buildup effect so the more you play it the better/sooner it works for you. Even after you get your desired results use your track regularly for a top up. Try to use it at least once a day to start! Relax and enjoy! It may or may not happen overnight.. But IT WILL HAPPEN:

Author: Hockley, Denisia J

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1514685558
Language: English
Pages: 66

Additional information

Weight 0.16 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.14 in


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