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Live Large!: Affirmations for Living the Life You Want in the Body You Already Have



Live Large! is organized in a one-page-at-a-time format so that the reader can take her time to absorb and practice each message fully. Every page presents a “Big Idea” for building size esteem, which is then explored in paragraph form. Next comes a positive affirmation that readers can repeat to replace negative, critical thoughts. Finally, the page ends with a “Size-Wise Action” designed to help the reader channel new energy into rewarding activities and acheivements. There are 140 of these inspiring meditations, such as, “I am grateful for every day I live peacefully in my body,” and “I am willing to live the life I want and deserve.”

Author: Erdman, Cheri K

Topic: Inspirational
Media: Book
ISBN: 936077468
Language: English
Pages: 176

Additional information

Weight 0.47 lbs
Dimensions 7.26 × 5.52 × 0.45 in


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