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Medicines from Your Garden


SKU: INR-9781496178800 Category: Tags: , ,


Every summer the annual ritual of gardening begins. For many the return to the soil is a spiritual solace and reconnection with the earth.

The limitations of planting zones continue to puzzle and frustrate the seeker of new and exciting plant species.

In this book we will explore together both common and exotic plants, shrubs and trees hardy to zones 3-4.

What may surprise many readers is the bountiful medicinal properties that are all around in your backyard, patio or balcony. Plants will take on a whole new meaning after you read about their healing properties. Who knew that caragana and lilac were medicinal plants? that is the whole idea of this book. Many of these plants are not mentioned in your common variety herb books. Now they are!

Author: Rogers Rh, Robert Dale

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1496178807
Language: English
Pages: 326

Additional information

Weight 0.96 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.68 in


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