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Multiperspectivity on School Bullying: Views of Teachers, Students and Parents.



Bullying in Schools provides a comprehensive account of school bullying in Australia and does so in the context of findings reported around the globe. It is widely agreed that bullying in schools is prevalent worldwide, that bullying can and does have devastating effects on the well-being of many children, and that efforts to reduce bullying have, at best, produced only modest success. The central aim of this book is to uncover what schools are doing to counter bullying proactively and reactively in order to reduce such behaviour and thereby improve the mental health and well-being of children.

This book draws upon studies conducted over the last 25 years in Australia, including a government-supported study on the prevalence and effectiveness of anti-bullying approaches in Australian government schools conducted in 2015. Uniquely, that study drew upon the perceptions of students, teachers, parents and educational leaders across six Australian Territories, thus providing a rare insight into the situation in a particular educational system. Throughout the book, comparisons are made with relevant findings from studies conducted in other countries and the implications are considered for schools, policymakers, teachers, parents and researchers in Australia and in other countries.

The book is intended for a range of readers interested in understanding what can be done in schools to reduce bullying, including researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education, mental health, psychology and sociology. It should also be essential reading for educational leaders around the globe.

Author: Rigby, Ken

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1138210757
Language: English