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New Dawn of an Ancient Morning: Surprising Differences Between Sacred Plants and Drugs – The Mysterious Properties of Entheogens


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This book presents an entirely new proposition – using references as Jungian and transpersonal psychology as well as an initiatic, esoteric focus – inaugurating a new transpersonal approach called by the author as Psychosophy. Unraveling a truly holistic perspective, it integrates Ancient Sacred Traditions, Sacred Science and modern science on equal footing, painting a world view that fits perfectly with the new scientific paradigm, exploring it, and, in some aspects, going beyond it. In the beginning, it presents a new interpretation for the drug addiction problem, a universal phenomenon of ancient and modern times that has serious social repercussions nowadays. Its originality, compared to the existing literature on the subject, is the discovery and description of the mysterious properties of Entheogens or Sacred Plants, showing evidences, from various sources, that Entheogens are qualitative different from drugs. Being proved by the testimony of specialists, scientists, or shamans and masters, it becomes evident that the surprising “mysterious properties” of these Plants are one step ahead of the current Pharmacology. Announcer of the New Age, this study brings us propositions for a new interpretation of humanity’s remote past. Here we find evidences of very sophisticated civilizations in world’s archaic ages, as well as traces of an advanced Science behind the scenes of our known History.

Author: de Mello, Philippe Bandeira

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1534834850
Language: English
Pages: 140