Progress in Self Psychology, V. 1
The premier volume in the Progress in Self Psychology Series was completed two years after Heinz Kohut’s death in 1981. Hence, this volume has a unique status in the history of self psychology: it bears the imprint of Kohut while charting a course of theoretical and clinical growth in the post-Kohut era. Biographical reminiscences about Kohut (Strozier, Miller) and commentaries on Kohut’s “The Self-Psychological Approach to Defense and Resistance” [chapter seven of How Does Analysis Cure?] (M. Shane, P. Tolpin, Brandchaft, Oremland) are juxtaposed with a section of self-psychological reassessments of interpretations (Basch, A. and P. Ornstein, Goldberg). Clinical papers cover the selfobject transferences (Hall, Shapiro), patient compliance (Wolfe), and the “self-pity response” (Wilson), while theoretical contributions present ideas of Stolorow, Bacal, White, and Detrick that are foundational to their subsequent writings. This volume helped to shape the theoretical and clinical agenda of self psychology in the decades following Kohut’s death.
Editor: Goldberg, Arnold I
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 881632147
Language: English
Pages: 268
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