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Similar Psychological Characteristics: Between Traveller And Student


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I recommend that teachers need to concern how to arrange classroom teaching environment to be attractive or safe or enjoyable to influence every student individual learning attitude to increase more attention or concentrate to hear whose teacher’s teaching to his/her any lessons in the classroom more considerately. Arrangement is determined by learning activity ( lecture, class discussion, small group work etc. learning activities in classrooms). Thinking thorough class procedure and learning activities and arrangement the classroom in the best possible way.Teachers need to know why the student chooses to do his/her behavior in classroom. Usually, every behavior has a function, three primary reasons for disputive behavior in the classroom include power, attention, what to be left alone ( i.e. disinterest or feelings of inadequacy). Many misbehavior are exhibited by students are responses to a behavior needs exhibited by the teacher to understand why a person exhibits behavior is no reason to tolerate it, teacher needs to understand the function of a behavior will help in knowing how to deal with that behavior. When, the teacher can understand why the student chooses to do his/her behavior to find the solutions to persuade or dissuade the student does not choose to do the harmful behavior or change the harmful behavior to do right behavior in order to influence other students can not concentrate on learning considerately.Consequently, if the school expected to raise every student individual learning interest in classrooms. The school needs to find methods to let its teachers feel satisfactory to teach their students in the school as well as the school’s teachers need to learn how to understand why the student chooses to do harmful behavior to influence other students concentrate on easier learning in an enjoyable learning classroom environment.When the school can let its teachers to enjoy to do their teaching jobs and they can feel more satisfactory when they are teaching every time in classroom as well as its teachers can understand some students why they choose to do harmful learning behavior to influence the other students to concentrate on learning in classrooms and they can find the solvable methods to dissuade they do not choose to do harmful learning behavior to influence other students can not concentrate on learning in classrooms again. Then, between the school’s teachers and students both can build positive teaching attitudes and learning attitudes in order to cause they can choose to do enjoyable and satisfactory teaching behaviors or performances to teacher and concentration on learning behavior or attitudes to students in classrooms.

Author: Lok, Johnny Ch

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1096511037
Language: English
Pages: 94

Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 0.19 in


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