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Someone to Talk to: Getting Good at Feeling Better



You and your family have decided that now is a good time for you to start to meet with a therapist. Starting therapy is a big change, and it makes sense for you to be unsure about what’s going to happen. You probably have a lot of questions about what this will be like. This book will try to answer some of these questions. It is also okay to ask your therapist any questions you may have.

Like lots of kids, you may be thinking:

  • Why do I need to go to therapy in the first place?
  • And if I go, how many times will I go?
  • What if it doesn’t work?
  • Will my parents be too worried or mad if I tell them what’s bothering me?
  • Why can’t I just talk to my mom and dad?
  • Why won’t my problem just go away?
  • Why can’t I solve my own problems?
  • Does this mean that my problem will never go away?

Therapy can be intimidating for anyone, and even more so for children. Someone To Talk To is a straightforward and interactive guide to help children through the therapy process. It is an invaluable therapy accompaniment that covers what to expect, how to prepare, and tips for wrapping up.

The pages are full of helpful activities to use before, after, and in conjunction with therapy, as well as useful everyday tools and coping strategies.

Also included are separate introductions for parents and caregivers and for children, with more information about therapy, and how and why to use this book and its activities.

Authors Paola Conte, PhD, Cheryl Sterling, PhD, and Larissa Labay, PsyD, are pediatric psychologists in private practice who specialize in providing cognitive-behavioral therapy to children, adolescents, and adults.

Author: Conte, Paola, Author: Sterling, Cheryl, Author: Labay, Larissa, Illustrator: Keay, Claire

Topic: Children’s Books/Ages 9-12 Nonfiction
Media: Book
ISBN: 1433826720
Language: English
Pages: 64