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Stop Masturbating and Start Living: How to Go from Fappy to Happy and Overcome Any Vice or Addiction



How to finally stop masturbating (and overcome any vice or addiction) and harness the power to reclaim your life.

I have been a chronic masturbator for most of my life. As I did the math on how much time I’ve spent masturbating, I surprised even myself. Almost an entire year of my life down the drain… or into a wad of tissues. Masturbation controlled my life and made me into someone I did not like. But then I discovered the secret that helped me take back my life.

You are now in possession of that secret! This is the only book you’ll need to stop doing the things you don’t want to do anymore and to start living powerfully! The simple truth to stopping masturbation, or any vice, lies in overcoming our biggest antagonists – ourselves.

Stop Masturbating and Start Living was designed to be read in the amount of time it takes to masturbate. This book provides a guilt-free way to stop masturbating and overcome any vice or addiction so you can focus that time and energy toward things that matter in your life.

Author: Fan, Joseph, Cover Design by: Kitana, Mandy

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 998734306
Language: English
Pages: 50

Additional information

Weight 0.14 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.12 in


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