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Studying Minority Adolescents: Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Issues



In the burgeoning research literature on adolescents, the relative paucity of work examining ethnic variations in developmental processes is a glaring gap, particularly because approximately one third of American young people now come from an ethnic minority background. A primary factor in this research imbalance has been the lack of training in methods and research instruments needed to properly study ethnically diverse populations. This book was developed in response to this need.

Its chief objective is to present recent theoretical, conceptual, and methodological advances in the study of ethnicity and development during adolescence. The chapters address fundamental and enduring issues concerning the incorporation of ethnicity into research designs. Topics such as demographics, “ethnicity-friendly” research paradigms, and practical challenges that arise throughout the research cycle are addressed by scholars who have “been there” and learned how to successfully study the effects of race and ethnicity on developmental processes and outcomes. Established scholars and newcomers to research, working both in academic and applied settings with adolescents as their focus, will find this book a valuable resource.

Editor: McLoyd, Vonnie C, Editor: Steinberg, Laurence

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 805819630
Language: English
Pages: 360