Symptom Is Not the Whole Story: Psychoanalysis for Non-Psychoanalysts
A practical introduction to contemporary psychoanalysis that is accessible to all mental health professionals.
Trained mostly in cognitive-behavioral methods and techniques, many recent graduates from psychology, counseling, family therapy, and other mental health programs have not been exposed to psychoanalysis as a vibrant, practical, and beneficial approach to human problems. In The Symptom is Not the Whole Story, Araoz introduces the functional benefits and applications of psychoanalysis for these practitioners. Focusing sharply on the unconscious and its use in psychotherapy, this no-nonsense book illustrates how psychoanalytical thinking can transform peopleâÄôs lives, thanks to the therapist’s active interventions and destabilizing interpretations.
Written in a vivid and clear style, where clinical examples pointedly illustrate the psychological issues at hand, this book reverses the commonly held idea that psychoanalysis requires years of treatment before showing results. Araoz’s talent resides in his ability to teach mental health, marriage, and family counselors how to use psychoanalytic techniques without having been trained primarily in the discipline. All will find this book to be of particular benefit, discovering valuable guidance and applicable instructions for the use of psychoanalysis in their own therapeutic practice.
Author: Araoz, Daniel
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1590512170
Language: English
Pages: 272
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