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Tales of Psychology



Tales of Psychology consists of nineteen short stories selected for their insight into human nature and their merit as fine works of literature. Each story is followed by a discussion of the psychological principles revealed. Reading this book will be a unique opportunity for lay readers and professional psychologists and writers alike to deepen their knowledge of human psychology. The book is recommended for students of human nature enrolled in psychological programs as well as the self-taught. Tales of Psychology demonstrates that artists can learn the psychological understructure of their characters from the insight of an experienced psychologist. Similarly, the stories establish that lay people can absorb the teachings of these master writers in a captivating, painless manner. It is entirely possible that in some cases, reading a particular story can change the life of a reader, reveal the depths of his or her own psyche or that of a loved one, demonstrate what is pathological and requires medical assistance, or reassure the individual of what is normal behavior. No one who reads these stories in depth will ever be the same again.Readers will have a better understanding of human motivation and behavior. Readers who absorb the contents of this book will have a better understanding of character motivation and behavior. As a result, they will be able to understand individuals better and to adapt more easily to people in their lives. In many cases they will understand themselves better, and, as a result, be able to lead less conflicted lives. The conclusions reached in the stories bear out the findings of insightful psychology in a manner interesting to all.

Author: Bond, Alma

Topic: Fiction – Psychological Suspense
Media: Book
ISBN: 1557788065
Language: English
Pages: 304

Additional information

Weight 1.19 lbs
Dimensions 9.54 × 6.16 × 0.85 in


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