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Transforming Anxiety: The Heartmath Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and Creating Serenity



The Perfect Antidote to Anxiety

Feelings of anxiety can sap your energy, joy, and vitality. But now the scientists at the Institute of HeartMath(R) have adapted their revolutionary techniques into a fast and simple program that you can use to break free from anxiety once and for all.

At the core of the HeartMath method is the idea that our thoughts and emotions affect our heart rhythms. By focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care, or compassion, you can create coherence in these rhythms-with amazing results. Using the HeartMath method, you’ll learn to engage your heart to bring your emotions, body, and mind into balance. Relief from anxiety, optimal health, and high performance all day long will follow.

(HeartMath(R) is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)

Author: Childre, Doc, Author: Rozman, Deborah

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1572244445
Language: English
Pages: 157

Additional information

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 7.4 × 5.2 × 0.5 in


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