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Truly Astonishing Hypothesis


SKU: INR-9781469905624 Category: Tags: , , ,


The Truly Astonishing Hypothesis is a non-fiction which collects the Hypothesis from the author’s three novels, Link, Village and Bridge, and adds commentary regarding Dr. Francis Crick’s book The Astonishing Hypothesis and Jeff Hawkin’s brilliant book, On Intelligence. As it says on the back of the book, a hypothesis suggests, it doesn’t prove. It should be provisionally accepted as true to see where it leads. The Truly Astonishing Hypothesis suggests answers to these many questions: Who are we? Who is God? Is there life after death? What is the process of dying like? What is really wrong with a cancerous cell? How can the brain recall distant memories instantly? How is extemporaneous speech possible? How are many parts of the neocortex bound together? Do we have a soul? What is the soul? What is the purpose of the soul? If our brain is injured, why can’t we recall certain things? How can the DNA in a zygote produce a living, thinking human being? Is there a spiritual state? Why is a chromosome structured the way it is? Do we remember every event in our lives? How can memories be transferred through a transplant? What are ancestral memories? How can savants know what was never experienced by them? Are memories stored in the brain? How is conscious thought possible? How can the brain perform difficult tasks in 100 steps? How does growth and healing occur? What happens at conception? Why do we seem to have some talents of our ancestors? How does a stem cell know what to become? What directs a cell during the division process? Why do we need to sleep? Why do we age? Were we designed to die? What is an out-of-body experience? When are we truly dead? Is it important to avoid radiation? How is the brain far superior to the most powerful computer? What is holding back scientists from discoveries beyond DNA? . . . and more you too will discover once you read the Hypothesis.

Author: Beiswenger, John L

Topic: Science
Media: Book
ISBN: 1469905620
Language: English
Pages: 84

Additional information

Weight 0.24 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.17 in


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