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Understanding People (2003)



Understanding People provides an overview and critique of current psychological assumptions about people and what differentiates them, and replaces them with a set of ideas taken from social constructionism. It begins with an examination of contemporary theories, then explores the critique of the social constructionists, before laying out the basis of an understanding of human action and behaviour, drawing on phenomenology and personal construct theory. Using everyday experience to illustrate the issues in personality theory (Is behaviour situation-specific? Why do we have a sense of self? Is there an unconscious?), this book will breathe life into an area of psychology that is so often arid, and, in the eyes of students, divorced from their world.

Author: Butt, Trevor

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1403904669
Language: English
Pages: 193

Additional information

Weight 0.57 lbs
Dimensions 8.44 × 5.46 × 0.42 in


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