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First and foremost, and most inclusively, anyone fascinated by thinking and learning about connections between brain research and writing should read The Write Mind for Every Classroom: How to Connect Brain Science and Writing Across the Disciplines. Teachers of writing across a wide range of grade levels will find this book useful, especially those teaching adolescents. The information and activities are designed for those teaching across secondary and post-secondary content areas. As writing becomes increasingly central across all content areas as a result of both federal and state mandates such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), this book will be useful to all teachers of adolescents. College and university professors will find this book useful in helping to prepare today’s pre-service teachers. Literacy coaches, principals, and mentor/lead teachers will find much of value, as will educators involved in teacher learning groups. As brain-based education enters the national spotlight it becomes increasingly important for educators at all levels to become intelligent consumers of brain-based claims that have a potentially far-reaching impact on student learning.

Author: Wirtz, Jason

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1475818149
Language: English
Pages: 148