Anticipate the World You Want: Learning for Alternative Futures
Schools have a key role to play in preparing learners of every age for the future. In times of rapid change, more people are needed to be able to anticipate change and direct their learning, decision-making, and actions toward a sustainable future. This book advocates for schools to empower people to be creators of their preferred future. Learning is more focused and compelling for students when it is oriented toward future requirements. Marsha Rhea sets out a framework for bringing a future focus to education with these four dimensions of anticipatory learning: foresight, identity, direction setting, and innovation. Anticipate the World You Want: -Introduces futures thinking and methodologies to a learning environment -Concisely introduces processes that could transform the learning experience for learners of all ages -Suggests ways in which learning could be transformed in practical or profound ways -Offers recommended resources and an extensive bibliography for further information and study For school leaders, administrators, teachers, and schools of education.
Author: Rhea, Marsha Lynne
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1578862582
Language: English
Pages: 114
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