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Do not steal…: Avoid stealing and grow self, institution and the nation


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Stealing, aside being frowned at by Divine law, is a crime to nations and humanity for its negative consequences on all facets. Stealing is a tool of corrupt enrichment which has its technicalities to have all the scopes towards perfect understanding. Stealing is depriving others, persons, institutions and nations of their valuables. This makes oil bunkering, piracy of copyright in plagiarism, sea piracy, fakery of documents and certificates falsification to have undeserved dues and ranks as part and parcel of stealing. Ask a lay man on the streets, they see stealing as a mere shoplifting, robbery with harmful things, pickpocketing and armed robbery. Those in the digital revolution industry claim that stealing has become modernized and done with all sophistication accessories especially the internet-based technological devices. Some have condemned stealing to be an evil and heartless activity. Some have stealing as a ‘job’ for the smart, intelligent and endowed persons. The former are of the opinion that stealing is deprivation of other people, institutions and nations of their valuable assets. The latter stands on the inventors who steal ideas shared among themselves as a proof. Of course, different folks must have different tales as windows to the same part of the world differ. With these standpoints in view, we must balance the equation and keep the record straight. Is stealing a punishable crime or showing of prowess, smartness or versatility? Studies show that the shapes and sizes of stealing are deeper requiring a book to provide the concise details. Many are committing the crime ‘innocently’. In the studies of the author, everyone is found culpable directly and indirectly. Different forms of stealing takes place at all times. The evil consequences in the ripple effects on the people, institutions and the nations call for researching and writing about the concept ‘stealing’. Author Abdulateef Amusa wrote “The preservation and safeguarding of the sacred soul by the Creator of the priceless souls paves the way for the law ‘do not kill fellow human being'”. The law, ‘do not steal’ is to safeguard conflicting over resources that are countless by people. And this is the motive behind the written of the book by the inspirational author, Abdulateef Amusa. He further illustrated “the divine law ‘do not steal’ is to disenable man, institution and nation to steal where there are countless to own. No one can exhaust what we have at our disposal in natural resources in every creature. The art of writing of a child in a family can fetch the family millions of royalties in hard currencies if rightly packaged and promoted. Football artistry of popular football stars, for instance, in the world, is the major source of the wealth of the family”. From his pen by inspiration “one does not need to have many resources to become wealthy and economically independent not to talk of degrading self-esteem via stealing for lack of resources to meet financial and non-financial obligations”. He maintained that “stealing is deeply rooted, as bedrock of illegalities and criminalities in the nations of the world especially the backward nations in all facets. It is not the only man that steals but the institutions and the nations as well especially those that are powerful to intimidate and subdue others in military superpowers”.According to the prolific writer and socio-economic researcher, “in the book, we are looking into different ways people steal other people’s endowments and natural resources. Do you know that man, institution and nation steals natural endowments of other men, institution and nations? Do you know that weather condition can be stolen by nations and institutions? Do you know that intellectual property are being stolen by the listed? Do you know that nation steal other nations’ resources such as water, air, cloud, mineral deposits and the manpower? How can these be possible or are being done?” Get your copy and read the book!

Author: Amusa, Abdulateef

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 172461097X
Language: English
Pages: 98

Additional information

Weight 0.34 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.23 in


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