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Identities for Life and Death: Forever Daily Message Calendar


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Identity is seen here as developed from narratives we assimilate as script for the roles we play in real life, thus shaping our destiny – for better or worse, for good or evil. Do we choose to passively, obliviously, allow our “selves” to be formed by whatever story lines “get through” to our consciousness? Or do we take an active role in deciding which story lines influence the “con”struction or “de”struction of the person we become or fail to become? Do we choose to exercise our free will to screen out narratives most likely to have a toxic, dehumanizing, disabling impact on us in favor of story lines most likely to have a creative, humanizing, strengthening impact on our ability to fulfill the best of our human potential? Which of our inner wolves shall we feed? The good, moral one who” helps” us become and do all the best we can be and do? Or shall we feed the evil inner wolf who not only undermines but destroys our creative potential? The waste of human potential due to playing out of toxically narratized, dehumanized roles, seems to be cumulative; once a downward spiral is initiated, it takes on the momentum of a self-perpetuating process. But once initiated, the growth and actualization of potential due to playing out a creatively inspired, humanizing self-script, “also” seems to be cumulative and self-perpetuating. Given the unprecedented challenges confronting humans in this 21st century, these daily messages are designed to encourage assimilation of life-oriented, creative identity-defining narrative themes as protection against death-oriented, toxic ones. Ideally, such efforts will become conjoined with an international grass roots movement to revise toxically divisive individual and group identities, by promoting a sense of humans’ interconnectedness to each other as part of a Global Life System. rjp

Author: Pellegrini, Robert J

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1452086826
Language: English
Pages: 400

Additional information

Weight 1.29 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.89 in


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