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Ocpd Disorder — Its True Seriousness and Unrecognized Peril


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Dear Seeker of OCPD Truth: We are so pleased that you have found this book description, as it heralds a resource which will OPEN YOUR EYES to the ‘darker aspects’ of the OCPD phenomenon; which for the most part, is never disclosed to possessors of this disorder, nor to those who suffer at their hands. (This practice of non-disclosure is surprisingly widespread in psychiatric circles, and in our view, constitutes nothing less than dereliction of duty toward their patients.) Dedicated as we are to disseminating the virtually unknown Truth about OCPD, I, and my research team, here at New Frontier Health Research, Inc., have for half a dozen years been investigating and publishing vital, LIFE-FREEING KNOWLEDGE concerning the OCPD condition. We were the FIRST in the world to ever thoroughly study, research, experiment, and then formulate tested and proven protocols to successfully address this personal relationships- and family-destroying mental illness, and incorporate our findings into an easily digestible (layman’s language) book. It was not until several years AFTER our ground-breaking core curriculum was published in two separate volumes (Escaping Another’s OCPD Tyranny and OCPD’s Only Hope of Psychological Wellness), that any other research scientist, psychologist, or psychiatrist came forth with a volume of their own. And, as of the writing of this descriptive piece, only ONE other full-length book on OCPD has been produced and made available to the general public by another qualified, academically-credentialed party. But, for all its merit, the volumes we have authored are far more ‘user-friendly’, practical, and comprehensive, in terms of varied topics discussed, where even the nearly universally ignored and/or unacknowledged spiritual (not necessarily religious) component IS recognized – and thoroughly addressed. We, here, at NFHR, have been the trailblazers, and are in the forefront of research, having observed, studied, interviewed, documented, and interacted DIRECTLY with the OCPD patient (and the greatly distressed non-OCPD sufferer) – both in person, and through correspondence. To date, my supportive staff and I have generated no fewer than 21 softback, audio, and Kindle edition books and volumes (not to mention brochures) on OCPD, constituting a layperson’s course curriculum: a library, in fact, consisting of specialized knowledge and a VAST ARRAY of methods, tools, techniques, approaches, and strategies to successfully OVERCOME the very REAL THREAT that OCPD poses to all parties concerned, but particularly the non-OCPD person who is the target of unrelenting assaults and abuses by the fully-fledged, and intractable OCPD person. This latest book, The OCPD Disorder, serves to provide our MOST SOBERING and SERIOUS discourse, to date. It is a book of prudent CAUTION and wholly justifiable WARNING – as to the DANGERS this illness presents to those persons the OCPD person routinely associates with. ‘No holds are barred’, and feelings will not be spared (though no effort is calculated to upset or offend anyone) in the interests of TRUTH, and in our responsibility, and OBLIGATION, to present It. Also, our organization has been in regular contact with America’s leading OCPD psychiatrist and treatment specialist (in the view of many) who practices in Glen Oaks, New York, at a renowned hospital, having received his praise, encouragement, and stated support of our continuing research and educational efforts. Lastly, my heartfelt desire is that this book will persuade you, the OCPD Truth Seeker, that OCPD is NOT simply a frustrating- or upsetting-to-others personality disorder, but a SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS that deserves our greatest sobriety and alert attention in dealing with. I bid you, therefore, farewell, and may you be FOREWARNED, and thereby, FOREARMED, by your investment in this book. It can literally save your sanity, and your life! With Every Good Wish, Mack W. Ethridge, President, New Frontier Health Res

Author: Ethridge, Mack W

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1547167580
Language: English
Pages: 84

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.17 in


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