Applied Educational Psychology with 16-25 Year Olds: New Frameworks and Perspectives for Working with Young People
In 2014 the Children and Families Act extended the protection of educational services to include people up to age 25, so since then educational psychologists have worked in post-16 establishments as well as schools. This book presents case studies that illuminate how psychology is applied to enhancing the lives of adolescents and young adults as they grapple with, for example, the ethics of consent, and the management of transitions to adulthood and independent living. It gives a voice to vulnerable students whose aspirations and hopes differ entirely from those of younger children.
Commissioned and compiled by members of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Educational and Child Psychology, this timely collection is invaluable for educational psychologists and will interest parents, young people, social workers, teachers, lecturers and administrators in further and higher education.
Editor: Apter, Brian, Editor: Arnold, Christopher, Editor: Hardy, Julia
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1782772707
Language: English
Pages: 300
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