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Compassion for Disabled Peers in College Is Needed: A System for Teachers and Students and Psychologists Aand Counselors and Language Therapist for He


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This book is about the compassion needed for disabled students with autism and/or a language learning disability in the college setting. It is my idea of a system of advocacy for the sake of the disabled individual by everybody involved through a process of channeling. A student that notices differences in another student and suspects they may have some deficiencies in communicating with others or displays odd behaviors or seems to get confused easily over things may suggest to the individual they might could get language therapy to help them and if they think they cannot talk a language therapy into giving them therapy, you may could talk to them yourself to let them know what you noticed about this person and see if there is anything they can do to help. In turn the language therapist could give the other student pointers on how to work with the disabled person if they get confused about something, and they can be working on two way conversations, sequencing, memory, and problem solving situations in therapy in the meanwhile. If the therapist also explains to the disabled student’s teachers what they are like, what to expect, what their needs are, and what they can do to help them by using alternative means of communication with them that would help the disabled person convey their thoughts easier, and also understand them easier, as well as helping break things into smaller steps for them that confuse them it will make things easier for both them and the teacher. The teacher can ask the students to do the same and tell them what to expect and give them an understanding of the person and how they can help them but accept them the way they are at the same time. And, if necessary, psychologists and/or counselors can also work together to advocate for the disabled individual to all their teachers and the students of the classes they attend. That way, you save a lot of misunderstandings. They have a much lesser chance of being judged wrongly. Teachers and students know what to expect from them that they may not be used to. And, teachers and students can be given a means of helping them with things that get them confused, such as science experiments or class projects or even knowing how to follow directions or instructions for any given “hands on” tasks. So if the language therapist advocates for the disabled individual to the teachers and the teachers advocate for the disabled student to the classmates and the psychologists and counselors also advocate for the disabled student to the teachers and the students before any misunderstandings arise to begin with, it will solve a lot of misunderstandings that could have been prevented if they would have got advocated for. They could probably even have better relationships with all their peers and maybe their peers would even give them a better chance with accepting them as a person and helping them when they need to and accepting them as they are regardless of their differences and even be willing to have relationships with these individuals because they already know what they are dealing with and already know what to expect. I think it would be a wonderful situation to try. I saw a shocking story on the news once this past year where the school queen or valedictorian, whatever they were, maybe a prom queen even gave up their crown to honor a disabled girl that everyone at their high school cherished and I thought it was the most phenomenal thing I’d ever seen. I thought it was wonderful. Where I came from and anywhere I’ve ever heard and seen about I’ve never seen this kind of positive reinforcement given to a disabled individual at a school ever, especially among popular people. I thought it was the most wonderful thing I’d ever seen. And, if they can humble themselves enough to be this way for a disabled girl at a High School, which is very unusual, by the way, we can be the same way with our disabled peers at our colleges as well and make a difference.

Author: Evans, Brian Gene

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1500845167
Language: English
Pages: 38

Additional information

Weight 0.14 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.08 in


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