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Walking Targets: How Out Psychologized Classrooms Are Producing a Nation of Sitting Ducks


SKU: INR-9781451587579 Category: Tags: , ,


Walking Targets exposes how the greatest coup of the millennium came off without firing a shot, wresting control from those still committed to the nation’s founding principles and family values, by stigmatizing their “inflexible” and “dogmatic” children as mentally ill. Computer technologies popularly believed to be restricted to use in defense of our country have been redirected for use in tracking the opinions of schoolchildren from the earliest years, under the cover of educational and mental health testing. This includes psychographic surveys and data-mining techniques. In this anthology of columns and feature articles, Mrs. Eakman exposes the tactics of professional agitators-cum-educators; details the latest advances in microchip implants, computerized cross-matching, tracking and monitoring, and clarifies experts’ justifications for psychological profiling.

Author: Eakman, B K

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1451587570
Language: English
Pages: 302

Additional information

Weight 0.98 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.68 in


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